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Atlanta, GA
Married to the best woman on the planet. Father of three lovely daughters. Worship leader, song writer and marriage blogger by calling. Passionate about exalting the name of Jesus through worship and strong marriages. Electrical Engineer by education and experience, currently a global product manager.
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Sunday Set List

Now that I'm back to worship blogging again, I spent some time checking out some other worship blogs yesterday.  As I find ones worth noting, I'll add them to my blog roll over there -->.

Today I'm adding The Worship Community.  They have a weekly feature that encourages leaders to share their Sunday set lets.  It's a great opportunity to see what's being sung out there.

Here's my set from this morning:
  1.  Happy Day (Tim Hughes)
  2. We Won't Be Quiet (David Crowder)
  3. Deep Cries Out (William Matthews)
  4. Your Love Never Fails (Jesus Culture)
  5. Medley of choruses
    1. Hallelujah (Hillsong United)
    2. Praise the Name of Jesus
    3. Beauty for Ashes (Anthony Skinner)
  6. Holy Is Our King (Rita Springer)
To see more sets from this week click here


Katie said...

I have looked all over for piano sheet music for "Holy is Our King". Do you know where I could find it? I would really appreciate it. My email is: katiegraves@gmail.com

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On Earth As in Heaven

Worship and Prayer are two sides of the same coin.

"The four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints."
(Revelation 5:8 )

The Harp represents the songs of worship that go on in heaven around the throne of God; day and night it never stops.

The Bowls are full of the prayers of the saints, rising as incense before the throne of God.

It is the harp and the bowl together that give us a picture of the ongoing encounter with God that goes on in heaven.

Let it be on earth as it is in heaven.